• Iyar 5784: Let’s Connect

    Chodesh Tov everyone! While a new month is always exciting — we have a special davening (prayers), we eat bread to signify a more festive meal, we are supposed to abstain from certain chores — there is…

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  • How I’m Getting Through These Difficult Times

    How I’m Getting Through These Difficult Times

    I sat at the play Leopoldstadt this summer, watching the events of the Holocaust unfold on stage. It’s a Broadway performance (now closed) that documented the life of one big family in the years leading…

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  • Adar 5783: Change in an Instant

    Adar 5783: Change in an Instant

    “You’re so calm,” a colleague said to me on a Zoom call the other day. It was almost a shock to hear as I feel like in the past week, I’ve been a bit of…

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  • Tevet 5783: Finding Godliness in the Dark

    Tevet 5783: Finding Godliness in the Dark

    What can I say about Tevet? To be honest, before this year, Tevet felt like one of those months you kind of just gloss over. While Chanukah is still going on at the start Tevet, there’s a bit of a letdown after such a big and festive celebration. This year though, I’m looking at Tevet in a totally new light.

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  • Cheshvan 5783: We Just Need to Focus

    Cheshvan 5783: We Just Need to Focus

    Hello, everyone! At this point, we’re knee-deep in Cheshvan. We’ve had some time to reflect on the Jewish holidays that have passed (and TBH already feel like forever ago) and get back into a rhythm.

    The beauty of the month of Cheshvan is that we get to revel in routine. Holiday time is amazing yet also a bit crazed. Now, we have time to settle and just process.

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Iyar 5784: Let’s Connect
Editor's Letters ➤ May 8, 2024

Iyar 5784: Let’s Connect

Chodesh Tov everyone! While a new month is always exciting — we have a special davening (prayers), we eat bread to signify a more festive meal, we are supposed to abstain from certain chores — there is...

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Tevet 5783: Finding Godliness in the Dark
Editor's Letters ➤ December 28, 2022

Tevet 5783: Finding Godliness in the Dark

What can I say about Tevet? To be honest, before this year, Tevet felt like one of those months you kind of just gloss over. While Chanukah is still going on at the start Tevet, there’s a bit of a letdown after such a big and festive celebration. This year though, I'm looking at Tevet in a totally new light.

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Cheshvan 5783: We Just Need to Focus
Editor's Letters ➤ November 10, 2022

Cheshvan 5783: We Just Need to Focus

Hello, everyone! At this point, we’re knee-deep in Cheshvan. We’ve had some time to reflect on the Jewish holidays that have passed (and TBH already feel like forever ago) and get back into a rhythm. The beauty of the month of Cheshvan is that we get to revel in routine. Holiday time is amazing yet also a bit crazed. Now, we have time to settle and just process.

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5 Podcast Episodes to Kick Your Elul Up a Notch
Lifestyle ➤ September 13, 2022

5 Podcast Episodes to Kick Your Elul Up a Notch

Podcasts have been my jam for awhile now, and what better time to get more into them than in Elul? Sometimes, especially as a busy woman, it’s easier to learn while on your way to work, cooking in the kitchen or on a walk with the baby rather than finding time to sit down a read a whole book. I love the amount of information available to us with podcasts — there are constantly new conversations for us to glean from.

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Chai on Life is a home for Jewish women to feel inspired, invigorated and enriched. Learn from other powerful women as you design and fall in love with the life you lead—flaws, falls and all.

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