Episode 010

A Deep Dive into the Mystical World of Mikvah with Renowned Educator Miriam Goldberg

Hi everyone! Welcome to another episode of The Chai on Life Podcast. I’m Alex Segal and today, we’re diving into the deep, spiritual world of mikvah and the mitzvah of Taharat HaMishpacha, or the laws of family purity.

NOTE: While all of our podcasts are targeted to women, this one specifically is for women, as per the request of the speaker.

Also an important note, I know this is a mitzvah that not everyone may be able to participate in right now for various reasons, so if it’s a sensitive topic, that is totally okay and you can feel free to skip this one if it’s not for you.

This is a big one. Mikvah is kind of a mystical topic and has so much power.

So this week, I am speaking with Miriam Goldberg. Miriam is a renowned educator who lives in Sanhedria, Jerusalem with her husband Rabbi Yitzchak Goldberg. Both she and her husband have been involved in teaching and guiding chassanim and kallahs for more than a decade as well as providing halachic and martial counseling for married couples.

Together, they wrote a book called Wellsprings of Taharah, which is a guide complete with halachic and hashkafic guidance about this important mitzvah.

They are also the founders of the Chizuk Series website, where they offer in-person and recorded sessions for men and women in taharat hamishpacha, shalom bait, emunah and tefilah which have become popular internationally.

Miriam is actually launching a new series that goes way more in-depth into this topic starting on June 16 so if you like what you hear in this episode and want to learn more, you can join here!

In this episode, we speak about:

  • Why the mitzvah of mikvah can become bland and rote over time and what to do about it
  • Why it’s so important to continue learning about the mitzvah and its laws after you’re married, not just before
  • Important perspective on how to love the mitzvah more if it’s one you’re struggling with
  • Why the investment in the mitzvah is so important and some really powerful stories around that
  • Why the mitzvah of mikvah may be harder in our generation
  • Why the mikvah waters provide a unique spiritual environment to connect to Hashem
  • How to get more out of your entire mikvah prep and the experience once you’re there
  • Tips to make the niddah period easier if it’s hard for you
  • How to connect to mikvah night after you’ve had an argument with your husband and feel emotionally disconnected


Miriam is just a fountain of information and a wealth of knowledge and she shares deep and powerful concepts in a really attainable and truly thought-provoking way. Hope you enjoy!

If there’s a woman you want to see here or a topic you want featured, send an email to alex@chaionlifemag.com or send a DM to @chaionlifemag. Thanks so much!

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