Written by Alexandra

Power Women

Nourish Your Soul From the Outside In: Meet Ora, of Ora’s Amazing Herbal

Taking care of our bodies is a spiritual thing. It’s a mitzvah to feed our bodies healthful, nourishing food, move them and nurture the vessel our soul lives in every single day. Ora Assayag, 47, of Ora’s Amazing Herbal feels this passion deep in her core and has built an entire company of salves, skincare products and oils for so many conditions that heal and soothe our bodies from the outside in.

Editor's Letters

Reflecting on the Meron Tragedy: Creating Purpose Through the Pain

I had been looking forward to Thursday night all week. Our local Moscow shul was having a big Lag B’Omer party. There was a festive meal complete with a giant wok of plov (a Russian rice and meat dish), a face painter for the kids and a bonfire, of course. Due to COVID-19, this was my son, Ezra’s, first Lag B’Omer. He’s 15 months old and as the men danced and sang, I stood there watching, holding him in my arms, the firelight dancing all around his face. He would not stop clapping.

Power Women

On Ditching Diet Culture: How Shira Rosenbluth Created a Life of Self-Love

Conversations around dieting, losing weight and eating often seem unavoidable. Eating is something you have to do every day, after all. In the Jewish world, we have Shabbat every week—a spiritual day but also one focused on large meals with tons of food. Unfortunately, greater society is heavily focused on diet culture and appearance, and these things don’t always go together. Enter Shira Rosenbluth.


10 One-Minute Things You Can Do to Feel Great Right Now

In the craziness of daily life, it can feel like we don’t have time for anything extra, especially self-care. This list is about to prove that wrong. In just one minute, you can stop and change the way your entire day feels. Nothing is more important than your wellbeing, so making that a priority is essential. Plus, it not only benefits you—everyone in your orbit will feel the goodness.


How to Prepare for Birth and Motherhood: 10 Minutes With Lauren Seidman

Labor, birth, and the transition to motherhood can be hard to fully understand until you’re in it, but Lauren Seidman, Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator, provides classes, coaching, and support groups to help expecting and new parents on this journey. The mother of three, now 30, worked as a consultant for six years, before deciding to leave her job there in order to be more available for her then 3-year-old son and 1-year-old daughter.

Editor's Letters

Four Pesach Lessons We Can Turn to All Year Long

When a holiday comes around, it’s easy to fall under the pressure to “feel” a certain way throughout it. We have a mitzvah to be b’simcha (happy) during Jewish holidays. So, if you’re stressed out, overwhelmed, or just kind of apathetic, it’s easy to feel guilty. (Hello, Jewish guilt!) This year, by letting myself be, I actually came away with some life-changing reflections.

Editor's Letters

Dusting Off Our Souls: The Key to Living Authentically

Nissan is the month of freedom. We celebrate Pesach — one of the most significant Jewish holidays. We gather around the Seder table and discuss the importance of the miracle we experienced in Egypt. In many ways, it’s the centerpiece of Jewish life. We’re reminded of G-d’s love for us and how He, as our Father, dove into the depths of Mitzrayim to take us out Himself. This is also a great time to think about what you’re enslaved to in your own life.

Power Women

Sara Yoheved Rigler on Learning Through Life & Living Out Your Dreams

Many of us are in a rush. We’re constantly looking toward the future and the next step, waiting impatiently for that next promotion, to get married or to have kids. We’re determined to do it on some sort of timeline we made up in our heads long ago, saying, “I have to get married before 30,” or “I need to make six figures by 35.” Sara Yoheved Rigler’s story may help you calm down.


Have a Stress-Free Passover With These Life-Changing Tips

It seems like the second Purim is over, the Pesach fear sets in in. The tasks start piling up in your mind to the point of overwhelm. Between kashering pots and utensils, shopping for food, cleaning, turning over the kitchen, remembering and learning halachot, figuring out what to make and then actually cooking it all, it’s no wonder so many women are sent straight into a state of panic at the thought of preparing for this holiday.


This 17-Year-Old Girl Is Making the Coolest Braids on Instagram

Have you ever stumbled across an amazing hairstyle on Instagram and thought, “How do they do that?” That question is constantly racking my brain when Hadassah Moskowitz’s posts pop up (@hrm_styles). In her spare time, the 17-year-old tries out different braid styles (mostly on her 13-year-old sister, Naami), conquering twists, turns, hearts and other cool shapes using hair as her medium.