Episode 026

Danielle Renov of Peas Love & Carrots on Building Bitachon, Choosing Happiness and Sharing Her Life with Others

Hi everyone, welcome back to another episode of The Chai on Life Podcast. I’m Alex Segal, and today we have a REALLY exciting guest — Danielle Renov, the recipe developer and cookbook author of the brand, Peas, Love & Carrots.

Danielle has been a dream guest of mine for many reasons. One, being that I absolutely love her recipes and they are fully a part of my weekly rotations, but mainly because of her ever-inspiring simchas hachaim and unwavering bitachon.

She lost a child — a baby boy named Yaakov Rafael, Z”L — more than six years ago and despite the unbearable pain, continues to be a beacon of light for Klal Yisrael.

This episode is of course coming out at a powerful time. It’s not only the aseret yemei teshuva, or the ten days of repentance but it’s also October 7th. Danielle’s words will help us get through the darkness and the unknown with a renewed dedication to Hashem, and that of course, is everything.

In the episode, we speak about:

  • How she got started with Peas Love & Carrots
  • How she balances motherhood with her work
  • What it meant to rely on Hashem when her world went dark after the loss
  • How she builds her bitachon muscle daily
  • Where her simchas hachaim comes from and how she works to cultivate it
  • How she handles life with small children — how she gets through the tough moments and still finds time for herself
  • How she balances posting about her life on social media and staying present in real life
  • -What’s next for Peas Love & Carrots (which includes a super exclusive and exciting announcement!)

…and SO much more!

She also leaves us with a message about getting through this year’s Simchat Torah that deeply resonated with me and I will definitely be thinking about as we head into what will G-d willing be a beautiful yet difficult day.

Listen now!