Welcome to Chai on Life

Welcome to Chai on Life


Photo by Taryn Elliott from Pexels

The excitement I feel writing this first editor’s note is kind of surreal. This site is something I’ve been thinking about since I started becoming more religiously observant—about eight years ago now. Since then, it’s taken on different forms, both in my brain and on paper, but where it’s at now is truly where I think I was always meant to be.

We’re now in the Jewish month of Kislev. This is the darkest month of the year, but Chanukah—a holiday that’s all about spreading light—is in it. While it brings me so much joy to work on this site —whether a million people read it or none do—I really do hope it brings a little bit of light to you.

It may sound trite, but we need that light to keep going. It’s a mashal (a parable) that we can take in so many directions. When we’re in a place of darkness or uncertainty, having just a flicker of light can illuminate the entire room, creating clarity and hope, and guiding us where we need to go.

That’s what I hope the stories of the women on this site will do. When becoming observant, or even if you’re already there, it can be hard to know the possibilities ahead of you if you don’t see them. “You can’t be what you can’t see,” a powerful woman once told me. 

Learning about a diverse array of families, personality types, careers, interests, routes to happiness, images and identities can open your mind to paths you didn’t know existed and give you the resources you need to help you along the way.

This site will also shine a light on many other aspects of a woman’s life—health and wellness, dating, marriage, fashion, beauty and everything lifestyle-related.

While there are so many women’s magazines and websites out there in the wide world, I felt that one for Jewish women was lacking. Hopefully, this will be a small drop in filling that void.

I can’t wait to hear your thoughts. Feel free to share the good, the bad, the comments and the critiques with me at alex@chaionlifemag.com



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