Episode 032

Why Chai on Life? A solo episode on the backstory, why of it all (and lessons learned along the way!)

Hi guys! Welcome to COL’s first solo episode. Today, I thought it could be fun to talk about the backstory behind Chai on Life, why I wanted to start it, what it all means to me and some lessons I’ve learned along the journey. With everything that I’m doing and all the people I’ve been speaking to I wanted to give context about the mission and the focus of it all.

This is definitely straying from the traditional structure but it’s fun to mix things up and G-d willing we will be back with an amazing new guest next week!

Thanks so much for listening.

If there is someone you want to see on The Chai on Life Podcast (or you just think would make a great guest!) email me at alex@chaionlifemag.com or send me a DM on Instagram @chaionlifemag.
