Written by Alexandra


The Power of Tehillim: 10 Minutes with Rivka Segal

Tehillim is one of those things we want to feel. Psalms are a powerful resource and gateway for prayer. We say them at moments of utmost simcha—like a wedding or brit milah—and also in times of real desperation—like when someone needs a refua (recovery from illness). The text of Tehillim is so powerful, it’s a shame to miss out on the impact it can make. We sat down with Rivka Segal to glean some of that magic for ourselves.


Makeup Artist Louise Lerman on Becoming One of the Industry’s Most Sought-After Talents

Makeup Artist Louise Lerman can make any woman look like a queen. It’s not just the dewy cheeks, smoky eyes and shimmering smile that conveys that resplendence—it’s the expression on the girl’s face in the photo Louise posts on Instagram. You can tell that what lies on the surface of her skin just amplifies the beauty she already has inside.


Say Hello to the Yummiest-Looking Hamentaschen

Helloooo Adar! The most joyous month of the Hebrew calendar is upon us. With Adar comes one of the most jubilant Jewish holidays: Purim. Given the state of the world right now, it’s probably safe to say that everyone could use a little boost of simcha (joy). In addition to the costumes, mishlo’ach manot (gifts to friends) and Megillah readings, it just wouldn’t be Purim without a delectable batch (or two) of hamantaschen.

Editor's Letters

Adar 5781: The Unique Attributes of a Jewish Woman

As I was making challah the other day, I couldn’t help but think about how no matter how closely you follow someone’s recipe, use the same ingredients and bake it for exactly as long, it will come out with a slightly different flavor.


Pro Tips: How to Really Care for Your Sheitel

Making sure to treat your wigs with love and TLC is essential for long-lasting wear. Here, Marlene Kolangi from Kaituz shares her tips to help you out.


3 Tips for Buying a Wig You Will Love to Wear

So many women say their first sheitels were a total wash because you learn so much more after wearing one about what you like or don’t. But that doesn’t (and shouldn’t) mean you can’t love what you get right off the bat.


Wig Master Marlene Kolangi on Helping All Women Feel Beautiful

Ask any bride and she’ll tell you her engagement period or at least aspects of it were stress-full. Religious or not, this period is filled with planning, researching, booking and shelling out more money than you might be used to. Add being observant to the mix and you usually have to condense the entire process into a matter of weeks or months versus a year or two. Marlene Kolangi, founder of Kaituz, based in Queens, New York, has made easing some of that strain her personal mission.


Life-Changing Modest Style Tips From Liza Sakhaie of The Reflective

Stuck with “nothing to wear”? Liza Sakhaie of The Reflective is about to show you how you can boost your wardrobe with a few key tips. From what to stock in your closet to where to shop, she’s got you covered (and dressed quite well) from every angle.


This Modest Fashion Site is Taking Over: 10 Minutes with The Reflective’s Liza Sakhaie

Whether you’ve been dressing modestly your whole life, or it’s something you’ve chosen to do later on, figuring out how to feel like “you” in your clothes can be challenging. I’m sure so many of us could use a bit more simcha in the mitzvah of dressing b’tzniut (modestly). Enter The Reflective.


How to Get Noticed in the Print Media World

It’s no secret that journalism is different than it used to be. Many magazines have disappeared and those that still exist maintain small staffs and compete for readers among the seemingly endless sites and articles around the web. That being said, the opportunities for writers are rich, and if it’s your dream, you have every ability to make it happen.