Written by Alexandra


On Writing a Book: 10 Minutes with Jenna Maio

It’s easy to dream about writing your first book, but much harder to put pen to paper and actually make it happen. Jenna Maio, 31, defied the odds and did it, releasing her debut, Princess Without a Crown, in November of last year.

Editor's Letters

A New Approach to Healing the Pandemic

Raise your hand if you’re over the pandemic. Yeah, same—of course we are. It’s been almost a year of staying indoors, possibly having loved ones who have been sick, maybe getting sick yourself and undoubtedly hearing about endless tragedies as lives are lost. With a new strain of the virus emerging, it’s hard to find hope that things will get better soon.

Power Women

Avital Chizhik-Goldschmidt on Challenging the Orthodox Jewish World Through Her Writing

Avital Chizhik-Goldschmidt lives in two worlds. Some may know her as a Rebbetzin at Park East Synagogue, where her husband, Benjamin Goldschmidt, serves as the assistant Rabbi, while others may immediately associate her name with candid commentary on the Orthodox community through her work as features editor at the Forward, a liberal Jewish publication.


These 10 At-Home Practices Will Enhance Your Life From Every Angle

Whether you’re burnt out from an exhausting year, looking to inject some freshness into your daily routine or in serious need of just feeling better, there’s a tip here for you. With lockdowns in place again in many parts of the world, days can feel monotonous and taxing. No matter what you’re going through, these practices from acupuncturist Miriam Pineles will help you get back to the best you.

Power Women

How Acupuncturist Miriam Pineles Heals Bodies and Souls

When I was nearing my ninth month of pregnancy, I got a bout of excruciating back pain. Of course, no one was surprised by my cries—this is super common when carrying another human inside of you at such a late stage. When I told my doctor about it however (a.k.a begged for help), she said anything I could take to help me (think Advil, Aleve, or even a heating pad) wasn’t allowed while pregnant. She suggested I try an alternative remedy, like seeing a chiropractor or acupuncturist.


10 Jewish Podcasts You Should Be Listening to Right Now

For many of us, commuting to work is a thing of the past (we see you, COVID!), but that doesn’t mean your daily podcast listening has to be. There’s so much to be gained from other people and letting that wisdom stream through your ears is one of the best ways to soak it up.


Dating Coach Devorah Kigel on Growing Through Challenge and Finding Your True Purpose

While dating can be fun, exciting and filled with butterflies, it’s often just as frequented by overthinking, anxiety and major insecurity. When going through the process, having an objective party to talk things through with is crucial. Enter Devorah Kigel.


How to Know If You’re Dating The One

Religious or not, figuring out if the person you’re dating is it, is maybe life’s biggest decision. While some people know right away, others need a little more coaching to have the confidence they’re getting it right.


Jenna McKenna on Managing One of the Most Popular Religious Forums for Women

If you’ve ever needed ideas for inspiring Jewish books, places to score the best skirts or just experienced something funny when you’re living an observant lifestyle, you’re probably a part of the FGP community, and if not, you’ve got to get on it. “Frum Girl Problems”, started by Jenna McKenna (formerly Bazelon) and some friends, is a Facebook group with more than 16,000 members. It’s turned into a community that ranges from serious to light-hearted posts, offering both humor and crucial advice for women in all levels of their Jewish observance. The site has become a staple for the masses but started with modest roots.

Editor's Letters

Welcome to Chai on Life

Hi!  The excitement I feel writing this first editor’s note is kind of surreal. This site is something I’ve been thinking about since I started becoming more religiously observant—about eight years ago now. Since then,…