Life-Changing Modest Style Tips From Liza Sakhaie of The Reflective
Stuck with “nothing to wear”? Liza Sakhaie of The Reflective is about to show you how you can boost your wardrobe with a few key tips. From what to stock in your closet to where to shop, she’s got you covered (and dressed quite well) from every angle.

This Modest Fashion Site is Taking Over: 10 Minutes with The Reflective’s Liza Sakhaie
Whether you’ve been dressing modestly your whole life, or it’s something you’ve chosen to do later on, figuring out how to feel like “you” in your clothes can be challenging. I’m sure so many of us could use a bit more simcha in the mitzvah of dressing b’tzniut (modestly). Enter The Reflective.

How to Get Noticed in the Print Media World
It’s no secret that journalism is different than it used to be. Many magazines have disappeared and those that still exist maintain small staffs and compete for readers among the seemingly endless sites and articles around the web. That being said, the opportunities for writers are rich, and if it’s your dream, you have every ability to make it happen.

On Writing a Book: 10 Minutes with Jenna Maio
It’s easy to dream about writing your first book, but much harder to put pen to paper and actually make it happen. Jenna Maio, 31, defied the odds and did it, releasing her debut, Princess Without a Crown, in November of last year.

A New Approach to Healing the Pandemic
Raise your hand if you’re over the pandemic. Yeah, same—of course we are. It’s been almost a year of staying indoors, possibly having loved ones who have been sick, maybe getting sick yourself and undoubtedly hearing about endless tragedies as lives are lost. With a new strain of the virus emerging, it’s hard to find hope that things will get better soon.

Avital Chizhik-Goldschmidt on Challenging the Orthodox Jewish World Through Her Writing
Avital Chizhik-Goldschmidt lives in two worlds. Some may know her as a Rebbetzin at Park East Synagogue, where her husband, Benjamin Goldschmidt, serves as the assistant Rabbi, while others may immediately associate her name with candid commentary on the Orthodox community through her work as features editor at the Forward, a liberal Jewish publication.

These 10 At-Home Practices Will Enhance Your Life From Every Angle
Whether you’re burnt out from an exhausting year, looking to inject some freshness into your daily routine or in serious need of just feeling better, there’s a tip here for you. With lockdowns in place again in many parts of the world, days can feel monotonous and taxing. No matter what you’re going through, these practices from acupuncturist Miriam Pineles will help you get back to the best you.

Why Tahini Is Going to Be the Next Superfood
You may not have thought much about it, since it seems like just a condiment, but tahini actually carries a whole lot of substance. The paste is made from ground sesame seeds and has a similar consistency to nut butter.

How Acupuncturist Miriam Pineles Heals Bodies and Souls
When I was nearing my ninth month of pregnancy, I got a bout of excruciating back pain. Of course, no one was surprised by my cries—this is super common when carrying another human inside of you at such a late stage. When I told my doctor about it however (a.k.a begged for help), she said anything I could take to help me (think Advil, Aleve, or even a heating pad) wasn’t allowed while pregnant. She suggested I try an alternative remedy, like seeing a chiropractor or acupuncturist.