Episode 42

Finally Get the Clutter Out of Your Life (Just in Time for Pesach!)

Today we have Rebekah Saltzman on the show. Rebekah is an organizing wizard who is going to help all of us get into the decluttering and organization mindset today.

Rebekah holds a degree in fashion design from Parsons School of Design, and for many years worked as a graphic designer. Rebekah’s passion for the environment and helping people improve their lives drove her to change careers and create her brand, Balagan Be Gone.

Rebekah’s straightforward approach to managing “stuff” and her no-nonsense ability to get to the heart of what is important combines with her people skills to help people take control of their lives through organization. She is the author of Organized Jewish Life and the podcast host of Journey to Organization (linked here!)

In the episode, we speak about organization and decluttering from a mindset approach as well as a practical one. I love what she says when it comes to clearing out your space to make room for shefa and abundance to flow into your life. We speak about getting rid of the “just incase” mindset and what our relationship with Hashem has to do with decluttering.

We also get to tachlis questions like what to do with the plethora of kids projects and toys that may come into your home, whether to involve kids in the process or not and how to do so, what to do if you’re feeling overwhelmed at getting started and how to break free of that, what to do with seasonal items in your home and soooo much more.

Also, I hate to bring up Pesach – and don’t worry we have time! But it is coming and while you certainly do not have to declutter and organize your whole house for Pesach, there is something about this time of year with spring coming that makes you want to feel lighter, clean things out, and just get control of everything after a long winter where things may have built up. There is the phrase, spring cleaning, after all. So Rebekah has a special program called Painless Pesach which is a 36-day decluttering challenge that starts on February 23 (That is next Sunday) and just $36, so a dollar a day.

The program is really smart because it’s broken down into really small steps so every day of the 36-day challenge, you’ll get a video prompt in your inbox with something to do that takes just 15-30 minutes per day. There is live support via WhatsApp and Facebook and a workbook included so you can track your progress. By the end of the 36-day challenge, your whole house will be decluttered and you will just arrive at the seder table feeling like a lighter, clearer version of yourself and what could be better than that? 




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