Episode 033

Finding Hashem’s Love in the Darkness with Rebbetzin Orit Esther Riter

This week, I spoke with Orit Esther Riter, an Emuna Energizer (I love that), a renowned inspirational speaker, author and the Practicing Founder of the First Haskamah-Approved Torah-Centric Energy Therapy Program.

After being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis 19 years ago, ​emuna was the answer to Orit Esther’s healing, growth, and building of a solid foundation with Hashem. So much so, she redirected her culinary chef career to a more meaningful path of spreading ​emuna. Orit Esther believes that every soul is beautiful and holds positive energy and light that deserves to shine​ and therefore single-handedly began an emuna ​movement worldwide​ devoted to helping others heal from trauma and pain. Her teachings are based on the work of the Holy Ba’al Shem tov and focus on practical strategies to restore emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual health​.

In this episode, we go deep into Orit Esther’s story — staring way before her diagnosis, and how she persevered through all of the challenges along the way. We learn how she found Hashem in different ways at different points along the journey, and how relationship grew and matured as she did.

The ups and downs are vast, yet the way she cultivated emuna and real healing in it is the most inspiring. It’s impossible to hear this story and not feel inspired to work on your emuna and really grip it with all that you have.

In a time now, in Kislev, and in the world when we’re experiencing darkness, Orit Esther’s story will bring you back to the light. Her story will invigorate you and remind you why we’re doing all of this, what the grounding force is when you live a life with Hashem, and how and why to consistently get back to it.

I’m so honored to have powerful woman on the podcast and so excited for you to hear her message. So now, let’s get into my conversation with Orit Esther.

Gain more from Orit Esther below:


Get her books on Amazon:

Turn Around 180 Degrees in 180 Days

Turn Around Your Emotions

Turn Around Your Life with the Ba’al Shem Tov
