Episode 44

Happy First Birthday to the Podcast!

Hi everyone! Welcome back to another episode of The Chai on Life Podcast — but not just any episode, the one year anniversary episode!

I am so proud of how far we’ve come and how far I’ve come personally on this journey to building Chai on Life. I have learned so much from so many absolutely incredible women and it has all changed my life for the better.

In this episode, I reflect on some of the behind-the-scenes things that have been going on for me throughout the past year as well as go through some of my favorite moments from the last 42 episodes. I share what has stuck with me, what I’m still doing, how I have changed from the teachings and more.

A special thank you to all of you who have listened, supported and been there along the way. The chizuk means everything. Another special thank you to all the amazing guests because it’s your wisdom that is helping us all become more Chai on Life!

Also, enter the giveaway! To do so, all you have to do is write a review for the podcast and send me a screenshot of it and then I will choose someone randomly from that to win a $150 Amazon gift card. If you’ve already rated and reviewed, that counts too and can be used to enter! My email is alex@chaionlifemag.com or you can DM me on Instagram @chaionlifemag.

Here, the episodes mentioned in the podcast for easy access to go back and listen!

  1. Rivkah Fox on All Things Dating
  2. Frum Minimalism: Meet the Woman Who Decluttered Her Entire Home For Good
  3. Debbie Greenblatt: Secrets to Building a More Connected Marriage
  4. Chana Deutsch: How to Articulate Your Needs, Wants and Desires to Create More Love in Your Marriage
  5. Miriam Goldberg: A Deep Dive Into the Mystical World of Mikvah
  6. Leora Blumenthal: Simplify Your To-Do List and Feel Like a Queen
  7. Hilla Aboody: Strengthening Ourselves Through the Three Weeks, Nine Days and Tisha B’Av
  8. Danielle Renov of Peas Love N Carrots: Building Bitachon, Choosing Happiness and Sharing Her Life with Others
  9. Faigy Blumstein: Is Cheshvan the Month of Moshiach? Gaining More Clarity
  10. Rivka Segal: Transform Your Tehillim Experience

As always, if there is a guest you want to see or a topic you want covered, you can always reach out. Thanks so much for listening, see you next week!


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