Iyar 5784: Let’s Connect

May 8, 2024

Chodesh Tov everyone! While a new month is always exciting — we have a special davening (prayers), we eat bread to signify a more festive meal, we are supposed to abstain from certain chores — there is also some heaviness given the time we’re in.

As much as I want Chai on Life to be a rejuvenating place, it can be hard to grasp at inspiration when it seems like the world is crumbling around us — on top of us, really.

I have never personally seen levels of global antisemitism like this in my lifetime and it’s scary. Point blank.

But I’ve also learned (very quickly) that me, sitting here in fear, is not something that’s going to get me anywhere good. It’s going to make me a much worse version of myself and I can’t show up the way I need to in my home, with my husband and kids, at work and with my friends if I fall into it.

So, it’s time to turn to our new month of Iyar for some of that inspiration to get us through (which Torah always does). One point of comfort, is that no matter how scary this world gets, we will never become the toxic rot that the antisemites are. We will never violently hurt people just because it feels good to hate. We are a people of kindness, of chesed, of respect, of introspection. It’s in our blood, it’s in our values and no matter what, that will always be who we are. No matter how many people are against us, I am so proud to be on this side.

Iyar is the second month of the year. It comes after Nisan and before Sivan. It’s the time when we count the omer, or when we’re counting up to receiving the Torah. The letter of the month is a vav, which is a connecting letter. It links words together and in this case, it’s linking months together. Pesach was our Exodus and Sivan is when it culminates in us receiving the Torah. Iyar is what gets us there.

It’s important to note that that link, that time in between gets its own time in the sun. We didn’t just leave Egypt and get the Torah right away. Hashem gave us this period where we could work up to it. We weren’t ready before. We needed that time, we needed that introspection and growth in order to become the vessels that could receive.

As I try and become introspective about this time that we’re in and find some solace in it, it’s comforting to think that this is also the link. Hashem knows exactly what is happening and what He is doing. There are no mistakes. If that’s true, then this dark period must be the link for something brighter. There must be something magical that we’re gearing up for on the other side. 

“There must be something magical we’re gearing up for on the other side.”

The sense of the month is “thought.” Although as Jews, we certainly do a lot of thinking, this month I’m going to try and channel any thoughts away from the fear of what’s going to happen and into the things I can control. What can I do to make the world a better place? What can I accomplish in order to create a spiritual light in this world? 

Maybe it’s making challah. Maybe it’s learning something about emunah (faith). Maybe it’s calling a friend to check in and create connection instead of retreat. Maybe it’s creating more podcast content and having meaningful conversations. Whatever it is for you, do that thing. 

Instead of becoming paralyzed by fear, we can take one step forward and become the person we want to be through all of this. We can become that connector between terror and what is good. While we may feel helpless, our actions can also change worlds. Let’s do this, Iyar.



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