Today, we have Gitty Normile on the podcast to talk about all things emunah.
Gitty is tackling a challenge in Judaism that I think a lot of people are subject to. Maybe you’ve been living this life for awhile now — maybe your entire life — and you’ve lost the spark of emunah or sadly, have never been taught it in a way that truly lights you up.
That was her story. It wasn’t until later in life that she really grasped the concept of emunah in a way that made sense to her and guided her toward living an inspired life. Now, she channels that energy and passion into her writing in a weekly parsha email and a book that was just released this past fall, aptly called Emunah in the Parsha.

In this episode, we speak about:
-Gitty’s journey to connecting more to Hashem and how Hashem played a big part in her career and life journey every step of the way even if she didn’t realize at the time
-Why she wanted to write a book about emunah and why specifically emunah through the lens of the parsha
-Why sages say this generation is lacking emunah more than others
-How material prosperity plays into a Torah life and how we may be getting sidetracked with it all
-Why immediate gratification creates risks and challenges with our emunah
-How to overcome fear in your relationship with Hashem if it’s present — especially with all the difficult news going on these days — and turn it into true comfort and trust
…and SO much more.
Also, Gitty was deeply involved in compiling the Hebrew names of the hostages for davening and has become quite close with so many hostage families as a result. For an updated list, visit
If you’d like to get in touch with Gitty or to get on her email list, you can reach her on WhatsApp at 058-413-5852 or via email at
For the Rabbi Golumbeck Bitachon hotline she mentions, call 732-719-3898. You can press 1 right away for daily chizuk and bypass the dedications – enjoy!